Remedial and Prevention Services for Youth Suicide
Youth suicide is a heart-wrenching social issue. The surge of youth suicides in Hong Kong in the past few years is of grave concern to the Keswick Foundation and we believe the Foundation could be part of an ecosystem to bring about sustainable changes. In 2019, the Foundation developed a strategic grant-making framework to build and enhance the ecosystem of care. The KF team worked proactively as partners with schools and social service support systems to identify high-risk groups and to seek out champions of new ideas and solutions. Each project added to the overall impact of addressing the needs of different groups at risk while encouraging and nurturing a supportive system and culture to prevent suicide. Here are some funded projects:
• Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, the University of Hong Kong — Mental Health for Youth
• Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong – Promotion of Empathy and Pro- social Behaviour among P.2 and P.3
• Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, — Pilot Project on Developing a District-based Professional Support Advisory Network for Student Suicide Prevention
• Grwth Foundation Limited – DreamStarter – To Dream, To Love, To Soar!
• The ABM Hong Kong Swatow Baptist Church Community Service Association – Life Enrichment
• The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China – Project P.O.W.E.R.S.
• Youth Outreach – Flourishing: Positive Mental Health Programme for Youth