KF Champion for Change Award

KF believes that big social challenges could be tackled by creating an ecosystem that links up individuals who devise holistic methods in addressing pressing issues. To achieve that, Keswick Foundation (KF) initiated the Champion for Change Award to identify champions to take on a non-conventional and sustainable approach in addressing structural social problems. The Award emphases on bottom-up operation mode that deal with the root causes. Champions will receive a cash award for his/her organisation to act as change agents to make systemic difference. Thus far, KF two rounds of the Award have been launched.
Champion for Change Award II (2022 – 2023) focuses on the theme “Ageing Well, Dying Well”. The purpose is to identify champions and new initiatives in the elderly service sector to address emerging social care needs and attempt to create a ripple effect in elderly services. Hong Kong Social Workers Association (HKSWA), in partnership with KF, helps coordinate the Awards scheme and conduct evaluation. This time, seven champions received cash awards to pilot on ideas that facilitate older adults to age well at different stages of ageing, as well as provide timely support to their family carers. Three outstanding projects will be further selected for ‘Impact Award’ in recognising their performances and impact of changes on elderly users' well-being at the 12th month project milestone.
The seven awarded champions and the project brief are as follows:
Christian Family Service Centre, Elderly Care, Home & Community Care
- Time Bank. Life Connection Project
• This project aims to upscale Time Bank that would eventually generate greater Social Return On Investment
for a better community and the beneficiaries include the elderly, young people, retirees etc.

Christian Family Service Centre, Mind Delight Memory & Cognitive Training Centre
- Mind Delight Online Store
• The project is an online shopping platform which operates with assistance from the elderly with dementia,
that aims to enable people in communities to see a stunning personal image of the elderly.

The Salvation Army Palliative Care in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly
- Let's Join an IG Family!
• The project aims to encourage elders in late stage of life and their family members to use Instagram (IG) to
create and preserve precious moments together, that strengthens connectedness and share family life ' through exclusive posts or videos.

Champion for Change Award I (2019 – 2021) revolved around the theme of “Youth Suicide Prevention”. The objective was to support practitioners in creating service programmes to alleviate pressure and enhance mental wellbeing of young people beyond a remedial approach, but one that improves the living environment of youth. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) was invited as a collaborator to coordinate the process of ideation and to organise Learning Circles that facilitate all champions in exchanging programme ideas and experiences. Eight Champions received cash award for his/her organisation to act as agents in bringing about changes in existing organisational structure and culture to build an effective community to prevent youth suicide.
The eight awarded champions and the project brief are as follows:

The Salvation Army
- Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go
Targeted the boys in the residential homes, the project aimed to build their self identity and connectedness with their families and communities.

Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
- MoodFit – Positive Youth Sports for Suicide Prevention
Used sports as the means to enhance mental wellbeing of the young people.

The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong
- Project Shine @Community
Provided another learning platform for youths with mental illness and school withdrawal problems to develop their confidence, self-identity and to re-connect with the community.

Caritas Hong Kong
- Companion as Usual
Cared young people who experienced bullying or interpersonal relationship issues and helped them express the negative emotions

CNEC Lui Ming Choi Primary School
- School Time Table Reform
Developed a new school time table and rearranged classes to provide more diversified activities for children in school.

Christian Family Service Centre
- Open Studio Project – Holding Environment for Healing and Nurturing through Arts
Provided secondary school students the opportunities to share and accept negative emotions through classroom art workshops and open art studios in schools.

Yan Oi Tong
- Shout
Provided platform for young adults to share their adverse experiences and feelings with public through playback theatre.

The Church of United Brethren in Christ Social Service Division
- Get Closer – Youth Suicide Prevention Project
Facilitated young people to define their meaning of success and empowered them to share their view with their parents and public.