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A Healing Space for Cancer Care

Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre - A Healing Space for Cancer Care

The Maggie's permanent centre at Tuen Mun Hospital opened on 7 March 2013. The centre was designed by Frank Gehry, a good friend of the founder, Maggie Keswick Jencks, and landscaped by her daughter, Lily Jencks. Surrounded by trees and gardens, the building provides a quiet, comfortable environment where people with cancer and their families may find support and solace. Free activities, such as relaxation programmes, Chinese nutrition classes, nutrition workshops, Tai Chi classes,Yoga classes and management of treatment side effects classes, are provided for the people in need.

Maggie, a mother of two, a writer, a garden designer and a philanthropist, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1988, at the age of 47. Five years later the cancer returned. She died in 1995. Maggie had been involved in the planning of her treatment from the start. After her cancer came back, she determined to create a welcoming space away from the setting of the hospital, staffed by professionals with the time to listen, counsel and advice, where people with cancer, their families and friends could go for support. Maggie also realised it would be beneficial to all patients to be actively involved in the treatment process, The first centre opened in 1996 in Edinburgh where Maggie was treated. She did not live to see it quite finished but she was involved every step of the way until her death.

There are now 26 Maggie's Centres in the United Kingdom, all of which have been designed by world-renowned architects, such as Frank Gehry, Richard Rogers and Zaha Hadid. All are located next to the oncology units of major cancer hospitals and are easily accessible. These centres are designed to make visitors feel welcome and at home. As one architect said, “The building should 'hug' a person.”

It is befitting that the Keswick Foundation has brought to Hong Kong the first Maggie's Centre outside the United Kingdom since KF was set up by Maggie and her father, Sir John Keswick, in 1979. Having spent a considerable part of her life in Hong Kong, Maggie had a deep love for the place and its people. Maggie's vision continues to guide both the KF and the Maggie's Centres.

Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre

銘琪癌症關顧中心 - 不一樣的空間,不一樣的療癒

位於屯門醫院的銘琪癌症關顧中心於2013年3月7日正式投入服務。中心由創辦人美琪.凱瑟克 (Maggie Keswick Jencks) 的摯友法蘭克.蓋端 (Frank Gehry) 設計。美琪的女兒莉莉.詹克斯 (Lily Jencks) 則負責園景設計。中心四周佈滿樹林和園林,為癌症患者及家屬提供一個寧靜舒適的環境,讓他們獲得支持和所需服務。中心亦提供多項免費活動,包括鬆弛練習、中醫食療課程、營養工作坊、太極班、瑜珈班,以及舒緩癌症治療副作用的課程等。


現時英國有二十六間銘琪中心,全部由享譽國際的建築師如法蘭克.蓋端和Zaha Hadid設計以及位於主要醫院和治療中心附近,以便利使用者。中心的設計意念,是讓使用者對建築物建立一種親切感;就如一位建築師所說,建築物應該「擁抱」一個人。


凱瑟克基金把在英國以外的首間銘琪中心(Maggie's Centre) 引進香港,是最合適不過的。美琪及其父親約翰凱.瑟克爵士 (Sir John Keswick) 在1979年成立凱瑟克基金,她在香港渡過了一段重要的時光,熱愛這個城市和其居民。 美琪的高瞻遠矚將繼續帶領凱瑟克基金和銘琪中心。

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